Kategorie-Archiv: Foto
so ne art | insekt
aesthetics | please!
for the tutorial the ball at the very left is not important at all. i introduced it because i wanted to “ground” the reflections of the four curtains. without the sphere in the scene the floor would have been not as obvious as it is now.
painting with | orange light
men at the | beach
drop of | milk
klein und | groß
mavic 2 pro | day 3
for day 1 see → this entry.
it’s been my third flight session, with only one battery, so restricted to slightly less than 30 minutes. i was still focussing on flight patterns rather than on the camera. the inflight videos were all of great quality. the shot after having landed safely has a ton of chromatic aberration. see below.
i flew all quickshot modes today, and they all did a great and very precise job. the spiral and boomerang are a bit irritating at first, because you have no control about the extension range of those kind of flight. and i still don’t know how to direct a boomerang ellipse into a special direction. imagine you’re climbing a cliff, you want to make sure the drone does fly away from the rocks rather than into them!
some modes give you extra options when you touch the icon again on the screen, others don’t, or they give you just rudimentary options like flying a pattern clock- or counterclockwise.
it’s nice to see that the drone comes back to it’s starting point once it has finished the quickshot flight. it does not repeat the flight, however. once the circle is finished, it is finished.
the videos are stored internally (on the internal 8 GB flashmemory bank or on the microSD card) in the original resolution, but the more interesting versions (in probably lower resolution) are sitting on your smartphone. example: all quickshots are accelerated in the smartphone version, whereas they playback in realtime when downloaded from the drone itself.
i’ve flown the mavic pro 1 for over a year and sold it to a man who uses it for flight only. he’s been a fan of radio controlled “model” airplanes since he was a kid, and he always wanted to fly a versatile, agile drone. he flew the mavic much more professional than i.
the more i get to know the automated flight modes, the more i know that flying the drone is cool and challenging, but much more interesting for me is taking precise videos and photographs for wikipedia and the german press agency dpa. so, the new automated flight modes plus the 360° obstacle detection come in extremely handy.
as to chromatic aberration: massive. there’s nothing lilac or pink on my bike. this detail is of 100% resolution:
zwei tote | insekten
von sehr nah. ich las vorhin, die vergrößerung ist hier 10fach. im original sind die fotos ca. 4000 pixel breit.
macro lens for | smartphone
trabant 1990 in | ummerstadt
homemade chicken | tikka
apfel | ernte
female wipers | lunch
ehrenamtspreis der stadt | köln
bei der feier wurden unter anderem die über köln schreibenden wikipediaautorInnen geehrt. die menge der leute, die über köln in der wikipedia schreiben oder in köln fotografieren und das in die wikipedia hochladen, ist unüberschaubar. wir gut 10 personen auf der bühne sind also nicht die wikipedia-größen kölns, sondern sozusagen als kölner autorInnen greifbar, weil wir einen stammtisch haben und das lokal k im stadtteil ehrenfeld. hier schreibe ich mich ins gästebuch der stadt köln ein.
smart | phone macro
these images were my first ones with a macro lens on my smartphone. the lens comes from → moment in the US, the → smartphone from google. the lens does a great job but lacks the option to focus properly.
let’s start with an original resolution:
the word “Zeil” (actually from the town of → zeil in germany) is a detail of the image below:
the next images were taken in the cologne wikipedia “lokal k” with the assistance of raimond.
sinzing | 360°
every 10 | seconds
games | com
RWE kohlekraftwerke von | oben
… zumindest von schräg oben, denn als anständige drohnenpiloten achten wir natürlich auf die vorgeschriebenen sicherheitsabstände.
das → kraftwerk neurath bezieht seine braunkohle per schiene vom direkt westlich angrenzenden braunkohle-raubbau-gebiet garzweiler. es ist die zweitgrößte CO2-schleuder unter den europäischen kraftwerken.
technisch entstand das foto als eins von acht segmenten eines automatischen drohnenpanoramas. es ist oft so, wenn ich der drohnenkamera sage, sie soll ein panorama aufnehmen, dass dann überraschende einzelbilder zustande kommen. die grüngelb-sättigung produziert die abendsonne. wenig später ging sie als großer ball tiefrot unter.
180° umgedreht im gegenlicht die türme des → kraftwerks frimmersdorf.
die gegend ist regelrecht vollgepflastert mit kraftwerken: