abraham etüde | 04

joyful dance. text-to-image AI

in this etüde no. 4 which i composed on easter monday i wanted to make abraham dance. the orchestration is the same as in etüde no. 3 and 2 (see postings below), but without the church organ.

abraham etüde 04

abraham etüde | 03

abraham as a percussionist. text-to-image AI

this is the third etüde of this new compostion cycle. here we hear drums. the piece has a pretty constant rhythm.

abraham etüde 03

abraham etüde | 01

abraham with several instruments. text-to-image AI

this is a composition i did the other night, for an ensemble of violas, horns, reed instruments, a recorder, a double bass and a piano. enjoy!

the stevens are | back

these are probably _not_ the stevens.

they‘re back from their vacation in spain. but what do they want from me, here, back home? an almost philosophical question. hopefully answered in this very slow song from today. the “photo“ above was created in 20 seconds with text-to-image AI. the music is licensed by GEMA/germany. for composition details, pls scroll futher down.

I have no story to tell / My seat is too high for the world / And too low for the hell / Of a miniature bird / The Stevens are back / From their holiday in Spain / There’s nothing they lack / And much more to gain

Chorus: If it helps, my name is not Jack / And I don’t live in the house / That Jack built / That’s the home of my spouse

The Stevens ring my doorbell / I’m not there, but I can feel them / I have no stories to tell / Will they leave, and when? / You all please be patient with me / Leave open your door / I’m a vulnarable he / Don’t want to surrender no more


I was standing in the mud, not in the snow / Everybody watching, quite a show / While the Stevens came back / I lay on my back / They came in the door / Asking for more / Nice people indeed / Let’s close the door / I stand in the mud, not in the snow

i wrote the lyrics first. i played a few chords on my midi keyboard until the text and the music fit together nicely. maybe a cliché to slowly step down from c minor. more tricky was finding the proper chords for my hommage to a well known metallica song for the chorus. of course, the chorus needed an electric guitar. other than that: super 8 retro sounds for the leading chord sequence throughout the whole composition. super 8 also for the (sub)bass. the drums, partly hand played with EzDrummer 3. a few melodic ornaments with horns and violas from spitfire audio. there are three vocal tracks, one with a reverse reverb, and one with a slight formant change and secondary melodies using waves harmony. mastering, like always, with iZotope ozone.

below you see two screenshots. one with the first layout and one with the final mix.

first layout
final mix (click to enlarge)

no love in the dry | plains

fender stratocaster guitar, rickenbacker bass, minimal drums and from time to time a clarinet. the image above was made with text-to-image Ai within 20 seconds. the song is licensed via GEMA, germany.

The wind howls through the dusty plains / As she sits alone, lost in her pains / Her worn-out boots and weathered hat / Are all she has, no more than that / The cattle low, but she can’t hear / Her mind consumed with endless fear / The memories haunt her every day / Of a life that’s now so far away / [You need to get on your feet again / Feel that Beat again / Get out of your bed again] / The sun beats down, the heat intense / As she tries to make some sense / The Love is gone

single handed | son

unreachable tower platform. (text-to-image AI)

i composed this song on my electric guitar. chord-wise there‘s nothing fancy about it. i hope you enjoy the groove and the minimalistic lyrics. the slap bass uses massiveX, as well as the keys. the drums come from EZdrummer3, die hammond organ ist the B4, and the alto sax the spitfire audio british brass & reed collection. i played the guitar without quantisation and added the amp effects with guitar rig by native instruments.

single handed son. (MS/GEMA)

Summertime, and the living is easy / Fish are jumping / Where have you been / My single handed son? / Fish are jumping / Where have you been / My blue eyed son? / The tower is so high / Nobody ever walked up there / Up there I see you standing / My one handed son / Summertime / The living is so easy

banana fake | republic

the banana jet

“Standing up to the fake news media / That’s a big group, big group / They don’t wanna tell the truth / Look what’s happening with the media / They are going down the tubes / Because they won’t tell the truth / They don’t wanna talk about the laptop from hell / You’ll put me back in the White House / Their reign will be over / And America will be a free nation once again”

Chorus: I’m an innocent, innocent, innocent, innocent / Hush money paying president / Wannabe January 6 president / I’m not above the law / I’m beyond the law / I’m my father’s son / A loser I am, so innocent / Innocent, innocent

“There’s never been a movement like this / In the history of our country / Probably in the history of almost every country / It’s happening right before your eyes / It’s something straight out of the Stalinist Russian horror show / A third world banana republic / That’s what we’ve become”


“We’re not gonna stand for it / When this election is over / I will be the president of the United States / You will be vindicated and proud / And the thugs and the criminals / Who are corrupting our justice system / Will be defeated / Our country does not talk about / Greatness any more”


banana fake republic. ms/GEMA

symbolbild | problem

hacker beim hacken

das foto oben ist ein klischee-foto. die bildsprache sagt sofort: ein hacker tut böses. warum sagt uns die bildsprache das? weil sich klein-hänschen und -lieschen den hacker gern so vorstellen. also finden wir bilder ganz ähnlicher art in allen möglichen medien, sogar in der c‘t. es hat auch einen anderen grund: ein hacker sieht nunmal aus wie ein normaler mensch, wie wir ihn beim einkaufen sehen. wie also findet man ein symbolbild, wenn es in einem artikel oder tagesschau-beitrag ums digitale erpressen und ausspionieren geht?!

Bei den bildportalen wie picture alliance oder stockphoto-anbietern wimmelt es von fotos dieser art. wir sehen immer eine dunkle, männliche figur vor bildschirmen mit kryptischen zeichen. ein anderes klischeebild sind die finger, die im halbdunkel was gefährliches tippen. die bildsprache ist so ein klischee, dass sogar die KI mir nach gefühlten 30 sekunden dieses bild eines hackers bei der arbeit präsentierte.

text-zu-bild KI

die kolleginnen und kollegen bei dpa/picture alliance haben sich aus gutem grund gegen jegliche KI-unterstützte fotografie entschieden. deswegen wäre ein bild wie das obige tabu. obwohl es perfekt ins bestehende portofolio hineinpassen würde. die grundsatzfrage hier ist: wenn ein realer fotograf eine reale person im halbdunkel vor solche bildschirme setzt — was ist an dieser aufwändigen inszenierung noch „wahr“, was hat sie mit hacking zu tun? das gilt natürlich für jegliche art von fotografie, weil sie immer selektiert, aber für ein klischee-foto wie das vom bösen hacker ganz besonders.

in der wikipedia-community wird zurzeit auch diskutiert, ob KI-bilder eingesetzt werden können. meine meinung dazu ist, dass sie klar gekennzeichnet werden müssen, und zwar nicht nur durch die bildunterschrift, sondern durch einen ins bild eingebauten vermerk. denn ohne diesen würde ein bild von boris johnson mit vollbart für bare münze von lesern der enzyklopädie genommen werden. und das geht natürlich überhaupt nicht. so ein bild hab ich vor kurzem mit KI erzeugen lassen. siehe hier.

the sea is | deep [the river flat]

the sea is deep …
… the river flat. (by ms/GEMA)

The sea is deep, the river flat / The house was empty / No room for jokes / [Kein Ort für Witze] / This forest was left without a single tree / The family feast / No one appears / The casserole in the tumbling machine / I love you, I love you, I love you so dearly / But who are you? / I don‘t know you / The sea is deep, the river flat / Wait a minute / Let me tell you the story / When I say I love you I love you / How can I love you when I don‘t know you / The sea is bloody deep, the river flat / The sea is deep, the river flat / The house is empty / No room for jokes / This forest was left without a single tree / The family feast / No one appears / The casserole in the tumbling machine / I love you so dearly / But who are you? / I don‘t know you / Excuse me, have we met before? / The sea is deep, the river flat

wonderland | wonderkind

AI text-to-image for illustration

i wrote this song on the guitar last night. enjoy.

wonderland and wonderkind. MS / GEMA

[The birds are singing in the morning] The birds are chirping / All is settled / No suitcase packed / Don’t need it for our trip today / Through wonderland and wonderkind / I’m smoking a cigarette on your porch / You’re still asleep inside / Can you hear me sing / In your dream / I’d like to lift you up / And take you on a trip today / To wonderland and wonderkind / Baby, can you hear me sing? / In your dream? / Come with me, let‘s take this ride / To places where our hearts can only fly / Together we‘ll explore the unknown / [But can you make music?] / We can‘t make music from that beat / Until the hour when we finally meet /

midjourney goes | version 5

one of the improvements is how version 5 of this text-to-image Ai handles hands. in this example i wanted version 4 to show me a golden hand shake a platinum hand.

handshake, midjourney 4

you see a mess with the lower fingers. there‘s probably one to many. —> here, btw, is another experiment with version 4 hands.

version 5 handles hands much better. here is an example with the same prompt. both hands are intact, and the fingernails are correct as well.

handshake, midjourney 5

the task to show several people with their hands exposed led to odd results in version 4. not so in version 5. there are still flaws, but not nearly as much as before:

version 5

no | shooting

i asked the #AI midjourney to show me an image with the content “No shooting on the eastern front“. then i wanted to see what the western front looks like, with no shooting.

the images above were all created with midjourney AI. the competing AI portal DALLE-2 does a much more subtle (blunt?) job with the same text input. here is an example of “No shooting on the southern front“, done with DALLE-2:

DALLE-2 interprets “No shooting on the southern front“.

city | summer

a very short swing about a (too) hot summer.

text-to-image AI
city summer. ms/GEMA

In the summertime / the weather is fine / In the summertime / the weather is fine / We play in the yard / We play chess and Go / Damn, it‘s so hot / I don‘t know / Let‘s walk back into the house / and get a glass or water / Or do you prefer tea tonight? / Summer in die city / what a pity / Summer in the city

i wrote and produced the song in about 3 hours. it consists of only a handful of tracks. i started with the drums, followed by the ever repeating chords. then i added two tracks of rhythmic voices. the main voice came at the end. the tools: cubase, EzDrummer, super 8, vocal harmony.

independent | lovers

guitar land. text-to-image AI
independent lovers. ms/GEMA

I can’t put a spell on you / because you’re not mine / You can’t put a spell on me / because I’m all mine. / This is no meditation / Maybe it’s an invitation / to sit on the sofa and have tea / Well, maybe / This is a love song / a love song / If you leave me / I’m gonna let you leave / I’m gonna call you back / If you don’t want to come back / I understand / I don’t put a spell on you / because you’re not mine / Baby come back / baby come back / This is a love song / This is a love song / Love is magic / but there’s no magic in this song / Love is magic / There’s a tragedy in this song / Hello, take your hat off / sit down / let’s have tea / Darjeeling if you want / with milk / This is a love story / This is a love song

the grass is | green

the grass is….
… green

this is a short and pretty morbid song about a couple crossing borders, taking busses (from trafalgar square to streatham) and being sick from a hospital visit. i envisioned it as an instrumental. vocals came at the end. the instruments are electric guitar, violin, cello, a sub bass and a glimpse of drums.

Babe, the grass is green / We took the bus a thousand times / From Trafalgar Square to Streatham / We rowed to many times (on) our boat / Along the river Rhine / We want to cross borders / We harvested wheat and rye / We went to hospitals / And came out sick / Then we layed down and cried / Babe, the grass is green /

boris „Ai“ | johnson

boris shakes hands with a whale

when the high seas protection bill was signed today i thought of the lame brexit duck named boris johnson. the midjourney text-to-image bot created the image above. in the next image i wanted to see boris johnson as a wise man with a big beard. i don‘t know if he comes across less selfish and more wise, but at least it‘s a good Ai try:

boris as a wise man (?)

finally, boris having tea in bed with his most admired US criminal:

in bed with crooked trump. probably watching telly.

flawed | Ai eyes and hands

text-to-image Ai

this is not news, and it will improve in a year’s time anyway. but here’s a typical example of text-to-image problems. the two major portals to do this are midjourney and DALLE-2. midjourney handles eyes much better, but hands are still very problematic. the example above is from DALLE-2. below you see the flaws only.

hands and eyes problems